Extra Dance
The Theatre Workshop’s main sessions also provide an hour of dance training, but if one hour a week doesn’t satisfy your need to dance we offer an Extra Dance class for those wanting more intensive training in addition to the main session. Dance is a powerful form of expression and communication, understanding the importance of movement is essential for any performer. The classes focus on building a sound dance technique that can be applied to many different styles.
- emphasis on posture, spatial awareness and performance technique
- all dance classes are taught by our team of highly experienced tutors
- students are not only taught steps, but are taught how to rectify any faults before poor technique sets in, which can be challenging to correct at a later stage
- we cover a variety of dance styles from different eras and musical genres, placing focus on current dance trends
- students choreograph their own dances to develop imagination and expression through movement
- students often partner theatrical jazz dances with songs they have worked on in their singing classes- it takes fitness and strength coupled with correct technique to dance and sing at the same time!
Available at Roedean, Eastbourne TTW, Brighton Saturday School, London Road & Birmingham Saturday School.
CALL 01273 733 736 TO BOOK A FREE TRIAL!